Tuesday is a big day for other reasons – University meetings, the Lord Mayor and the Ghana Link meeting in the evening.
We also expect it to bring the Link to the attention of more people in the City Council and the University.
The week was action packed and started with the Vice Chair, Nii Yaoboi and Ghana Week Co-ordinator Elaine Budd promoting the week on the Gordon Sparks,
BBC Radio Devon Breakfast Show.Saturday and Sunday saw students from Leigham Primary School, Devonport High School for Girls and Operation Hernia nurses taking part in The Blue Mile Charity Walk “with a difference”. The group walked the mile carrying water ‘the African way’ on their heads. No mean feat when you aren’t used to it! Although some water was lost, the participants did extremely well and raised much needed funds for Operation Hernia.
The British High Commissioner Dr. Nick Westcott, just off the train joined the team on Sunday and then met other link members over lunch.
BBC Radio Devon ran interviews with both Dr. Nick Westcott and Operation Hernia on Monday.
A celebration exhibition was set up in the Roland Levinsky Building at the University of Plymouth on Tuesday featuring a range of projects and African artefacts – the Community Xchange, Operation Hernia, Akuapem School and work and projects undertaken as a result of links of Plymouth High School for Girls, Devonport High School for Girls, Lipson Vale and Stuart Road Primary. The displays included films to bring the material to life.
With new visitors joining us on Wednesday – Kofi and Nora Imbeah, the Metro Director of Education and his wife and John Boafo the day was a busy one. It started at 8am with a breakfast event kindly hosted by the University College of St. Mark and St. John which included a tour and provided an opportunity to investigate a link with the University College as well as faith links.
Other events on Wednesday included:
The week came to an end with visits to Sir John Hunt Community College, currently establishing a link and Plymouth High School for Girls, that has one of the most proactive links in the city. A visit to Plymouth City Council provided a useful opportunity to reflect on what our visitors had seen during the week and share thoughts and approaches.
This was a wonderful week – and full of activity as the photographs on the right show!
For more information contact Elaine Budd, the Co-ordinator of Ghana Week on 07712 586060 or [email protected].
The week has been made possible due to a successful funding application to ‘Awards for All’.